Ways to choose a pillow to sleep soundly without neck pain

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ways to choose a pillow to sleep soundly without neck pain. Because restful sleep is important for everyone’s health. Help recharge yourself so that the next day you come back refreshed, bright, and able to live your life more efficiently. But if anyone doesn’t sleep well Or waking up and having pain in your shoulders, neck, or back, it will make your whole day not bright. Not energetic. If you or someone close to you is experiencing this problem, The key to correct sleeping position is You can sleep however you want so that your neck bones extend all the way to your spine. and hip bones do not curve all night.

So what kind of pillow should you choose to sleep soundly and without neck pain.

The height of the pillow should be considered first. Quality and softness follow.

Height of the pillow

The right height and a good pillow will keep the entire spine aligned and support the weight of the cervical spine. This is measured by your neck-shoulder anatomy and sleeping position.

 Your preferred sleeping position.

Sleep on your back: The pillow should fill the space between your neck and the mattress.  

Sleep on your side: The pillow should be higher than normal. Because it must support the side of the neck bone. Including having space for the shoulders.  

Our favorite material

Nowadays, there are a variety of pillow materials available. But what is becoming very popular is synthetic fibers, latex, memory foam, various furs, duck feathers, goose feathers, depending on the sleeper’s preferences. Report by https://ufabet999.app

Another big issue in our lives is probably sleep. which already takes up 1/3 of our daily life If you work hard, you want to sleep and get a good night’s sleep. No waking up in the middle of the night, no neck pain, many problems that bother me and disturb my sleep. In addition to the mattress, pillows are another factor that affects our sleep. When choosing a pillow to sleep soundly without neck pain, the quality. The softness It must be suitable for the of the sleeper as well. 

  • leeping on a pillow that is too high Makes the front neck muscle group Neck and shoulder muscles tense, causing neck pain, affecting the respiratory system. It can be as serious as having sleep apnea.
  • Sleeping pillow too low Pressing on the nerve, numbness radiates down the arm, which can lead to degeneration of the cervical spine.